Photographie d'une page du carnet moulin, il est écrit à l'encre bleue
> Communions can be disoriented. - The Principal to the Watcher 1000XResist

names as opaque keywords
(not a function)

> These are names, Watcher. Unique strings assigned to people, animals, and obejts of affection. They are irrespective of function. - The Secretary.

a lock for theft or distrust

Day of the dance
> No more meetings
No more jobs
No more debt

Bodies... have so much water. Photographie d'une page du carnet moulin, il est écrit à l'encre bleue
radical acts of romance.

> are you sure you are just sad ?
a trapped and blissful student writing poems and looking at trees through the windows

> I've been reading about disease. Some ended with a vaccine, some ended up going away. This one seems different.

Tears are functionless.
Worse, they are a threat. Photographie d'une page du carnet moulin, il est écrit à l'encre violette
le 19 janvier un dimanche matin
le duvet sur la chaise je lance  1000XResist
c'est l'heure d'une communion
l'importance des chants

> This is rain
Moisture condensed from the planet atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops
the sounds is nice

> the shift is slight

// Chapitre 3