il est vingt-deux heures on est dimanche j'hésite
je demande au bricoracle de quoi sera fait la soirée: d'une porte soutenue par le choix et la transition.
je m'extirpe du papasan et traverse la porte de la piaule-atelier,
je la ferme et ouvre la fenêtre en grand.

j'hésite encore, entre l'exploration des personnes du livre Savoir les marges ou la préparation de l'ordinateur portable pour un nouvel environnement de travail.
on pourra peut-être osciller,

dans un fichier quelque part:

And now we have come to the nucleus of the problem we have before us at this time. Today one finally has the right and even the duty to be, above all things, a revolutionary doctor, that is to say a man who utilizes the technical knowledge of his profession in the service of the revolution and the people. But now old questions reappear: How does one actually carry out a work of social welfare? How does one unite individual endeavour with the needs of society?
We must, then, begin to erase our old concepts and begin to draw closer and closer to the people and to be increasingly aware. We must approach them not as before. You are all going to say, 'No. I like the people. I love talking to workers and peasants, and I go here or there on Sundays to see such and such.' Everybody has done it. But we have done it practising charity, and what we have to practice today is solidarity. We should not go to the people and say, 'Here we are. We come to give you the charity of our presence, to teach you our science, to show you your errors, your lack of culture, your ignorance of elementary things.' We should go instead with an inquiring mind and a humble spirit to learn at that great source of wisdom that is the people.

choisir la musique, juste avant c'était nick cave et son OST de L'assassinat de Jesse James par le lâche Robert Ford ; allons-y pour la playlist spotify de kae tempest

j'hésite, je trie mes ficelles

je garde ça je commence à lire sa thèse graphique puis j'ouvre son mémoire en création littéraire M'entends-tu., des trouvailles qui m'émerveillent, qui donnent envie de poursuivre.

You - "Is there anyone there?"
Tricentennial electrics - No one replies, but the static grows stronger like rainfall. Then a female voice speaks out, completely different from the one before. Glorious and *total* somehow. Crawling inside your head.
Shivers [Medium: Success] - for three hundred years i have been here. volatile and luminous. made of sodium and rain.